Friday, 20 September 2013

Seraching for a brand new car...first Car

As a young driver, actually a very young driver I'm lookin for my first car, or rather my FIRST own car (how proydly it sounds). Past this two weeks I've visited almost every car dealership in my quite big city. Only two of them were qiute interesting.

Ford looks like Aston

First of the dealerships was Ford with it's brand new Fiesta. What was my firsy impression? Well, I think you won't guess! "It's grill looks like it would be Aston Martin", than, after testing it I've chnged my mind, it doesn't have anything in common with my dream car...accept this grill. 

So what is inside?Under the bonnet we have 96 BHP (quite a lot), 1.4 liter Duratec (whatever duratec means), and five-speed gearbox, nothing seems to be interesting. The price for the model I wanted to buy is 11 375 GBP, so it's to much. Additonal options are: aircodition (manual) for almost 900 GBP (isn't it rediculous?)Radio with CD and MP3 (guess there is no connection to my iPhone , oh sorry, it has USB).After a while I decided that it is not a perfect car for me.
"I like" is enough, nothing more. It has 1,2l engine 16V which  gives the owner staggering 75 HP(horsepower) but it's cheap!
"My" version costs 44 160 PLN so it's 8 595,12 GBP ! 
"I like" is enough, nothing more. It has 1,2l engine 16V which  gives the owner staggering 75 HP(horsepower) but it's cheap!"My" version costs 44 160 PLN so it's 8 595,12 GBP ! 
I know that both of them aren't good, but I can't afford Aston... so as for now it would be all. 

Oh no? Rather "OH YES, THAT'S IT!". The new Renault Clio is probably what I'm searching for. It does not have 250 BHP, it does not have anything in common with Aston Martin, it does not have anything in common with all those huge, glorious V12, 3,4l engine, but I like it. 

It has almost everything what I want, and nothing more, so that's why the price is that small. What is important as much as the engine, suspension, breaks, and other stuff is the interior! it looks very pretty, it looks as it would be a sports car - yes, it's black and red and it's glorius, fantastic and so on. 
And what I love the most is the price!